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In order for a person to grow spiritually for more than just a short period of time, and for one's spiritual growth to be regular and significant, one must move beyond haphazardly seeking God (through only occasionally participating in spiritual growth events) to deliberately - and repeatedly being involved in activities that draw one closer to God.

Such activitied begin with prayer, worship, and individual Bible ready and study (which some people describe as "having devotions").  However, as John Wesley pointed out long ago, there is no such thing as solitary religion.  Christianity, whose major commandment (according to Jesus) is to love God with all one's heart, soul, mind, and strength, and one's neighbor as oneself, just cannot be practiced in isolation.  Christianity is intended to be lived out in community, and we therefore grow best and most when we seek to grow spiritually in the presence of others.  This reality was even given a name by Jesus: the Church.

So, what spiritual  growth group opportunities does Jonestown UMC offer?

Sunday School classes for all ages at 10:00 am each Sunday.

Bible studies that meet on numerous days of the week.  Some of these Bible studies require no advanced readings, others do.

United Methodist Women This group deals with spiritual growth and missions from a women's perspective

Women's Bible Study This group generally meets once a month to study God's word and provide fellowship.

Men's Group  This group meets on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 8AM, and provides men in the church  with study, fellowship, and occasional service opportunities.

For more information about any of these groups, check out the monthly newsletter to see what is currently running.