Rev. Elkin returned to Philadelphia and began a successful pest control company. Later, his burden to bring the Gospel to Jewish people increased. While supervising his business, he completed the Jewish missions program at Philadelphia College of Bible and graduated with honors and has completed a Masters degree at Biblical Theological Seminary. His wife, Jackie, who is an award winning graphic designer, complements Rev. Elkin in his ministry. In 1984 the Elkins began AMMI (Hebrew for “My People”) Ministry to reach some of the 300,000 Jewish people in the Philadelphia area. In spite of death threats their ministry has distributed over a million tracts and witnessed to thousands of people. Many Jews and Gentiles have become believers in Jesus through these efforts.
Presently, AMMI is focused on 70,000 Russian-speaking Jewish refugees who have moved to Philadelphia. They immigrated to avoid persecution in Russia and Ukraine. Through English and Bible classes and friendship AMMI is presenting a Gospel witness through words and deeds. He also brings the gospel to other Russian-speaking ethnic groups, including Muslims in the Philadelphia area. Rev. Elkin has ministered in hundreds of churches, Bible colleges, and seminaries from Mississippi to Vermont. He has trained thousands of Christians in Jewish Evangelism, history, and culture. He also teaches Christians about the roots of their faith as seen in the feasts of Israel and the Messianic prophecies. His enthusiastic teachings show the unity of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. He desires to equip believers with God’s Word and to challenge unbelievers to repent.
Prayer Requests
1. Ron's body would be free of cancer;
2. Ron's need to replace the left knee;
3. Jackie's continued good health
Ministry Prayers:
1. The Lord will provide all we need to upgrade our website to a dynamic and interactive website;
2. The Lord will draw people to our book offer advertisement in a Russian newspaper;
3. The Lord will show mercy to Jewish people and open their hearts to the Gospel;
4. The Lord will build up a small mission church in northeast Philadelphia that is trying to reach the Russian-speaking community;
5. The Lord will open up opportunities for Ron to teach Jewish Evangelism at many of the churches in Philadelphia and the surrounding areas.